Archive for May, 2010

TMBG, Teething, and Sleeping

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

We went to see They Might be Giants on Sunday—lots of fun: And in other news, Charlotte is teething (thank goodness, since she was acting uncharacteristically cranky!), and is also sleeping through the night much more consistently (knock on wood). Oh, and we got some “school pictures“:

4 Months Old

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Charlotte’s four month checkup: 14 lb 5 oz (67th percentile) 25 in (78th percentile) 44 cm head circumference (98th percentile) She’s doing well at day care (eating, sleeping, watching), vocalizing a lot (trying to keep up her end of the conversation) and laughing. Henrietta looks forward to getting her “morning smiles” from her little sister!