Archive for December, 2010

Holy Molars!

Friday, December 17th, 2010

Dear Charlotte, I’m sorry for my impatience with your crankiness and lousy sleep this past week. Had you been able to explain that you’ve been growing two giant molars, we could have hooked you up with some nice baby Tylenol and made things ever so much better! Love, Mommy

11 months old

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

At 11 months old, Charlotte is: standing, standing, standing cruising around holding onto furniture using a sippy cup eating all kinds of things, including black beans and pickles (!) seeming to call Etta, Basil, and Daddy by name. And a great quote from Henrietta this morning, one of the first really cold mornings we’ve had, […]

Warm fuzzies

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Ben’s birthday is tomorrow, and since it’s Friday, it’s also a Show and Tell day. Henrietta announced, “I want Daddy to stay for Show and Tell so I can show that it’s his birthday.” Getting Henrietta settled down in bed tonight, I asked her what she wanted to sing. She proceeded to sing all of […]