Archive for June, 2008

23 Months Old!

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Well, we took the picture this morning, so really it’s 23 months plus one day. But you didn’t want us to wake her up last night just for a picture, did you? I didn’t think so. Recent developments: Singing along. Until recently, she’d sing on her own, and enjoyed being sung to. Now, she’ll join […]

Henrietta “reads” to her baby doll

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

Dinner with Toby

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

We had a lovely visit with Jenn and Toby this evening (and yummy pizza from Nicola!). From day care today: Will pinched his finger, and while he was crying, Etta went to him to comfort him and said, “Your friend Etta is here!” From bath time: the rubber ducky was having a “drink” of water. […]

A Conversation from Day Care

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

As reported by Henrietta’s teacher Hila: Etta: “Baby sad. Mama.” Hila: “Where is the baby’s mama?” Etta: “At work. Baby sad….ice pack! Nap time….her mama’s coming, mama’s coming….baby lay down. Take the baby ice pack. Here go baby, here go baby.” Apparently the narrative continued on for some time after this.